Monday, June 11, 2012

Too Many Tomatoes! {Clever Chili}

Altered recipe:

 "Clever Chili" 

(please suggest a name below, I am a slave to alliteration!)

Leaves a good burn in the back of your throat, slight sweet on  your tongue, and a good mix of textures!

{recipe & story below}

Chilly Piggies {Tender Rolls}

"Tender Rolls"
("Tasha rolls" according to Cynthia)

{story below}
Here's the original Pigs-in-a-blanket recipee without the pigs:

1 package yeast (that's 2 1/4 tsp for all you jar users)
1/3 cup sugar AND 1tsp sugar for yeast
2/3 cups milk (110-115 degrees)
1 egg, beaten
2 Tbs plus 2tsp melted shortening
1 tsp salt
3-2/3 cup flour (really just as much as you need to make dough that is easy to handle)